Adding and Deleting Subscribers in Bulk

This interface allows a list owner to upload a text file containing email addresses and (optionally) names, one address per line, and either add all the email addresses in the file to the list or remove them from the list. Since some of the functions will permanently delete all subscribers from the list, always use caution and double-check your selection before proceeding.


The following bulk operations are available:

  • Add the imported addresses to the list
    This option will add the imported addresses to the list without removing any existing subscribers.

  • Remove the imported addresses from from the list
    This option will remove all of the imported addresses from the list.

  • Remove the imported addresses from all lists
    This option will remove all of the imported addresses from all lists on the server.

Input File

Use this box to choose the input file from your local computer. The file must be a plain text file (not a word processor document or spreadsheet) and must contain one address per line, optionally followed with a space (or tab) and the subscriber's name. The subscribers being added or deleted will not be notified.

Note: Bulk operations are not enabled by default. The site administrator must enable this functionality explicitly per the instructions in the LISTSERV Site Manager's Manual. If you get an "error 2" when you click the "Import" button, this means that the upload directory has not been created. If you get an "error 13" when you click the "Import" button, this means that the upload directory has been created but that the web interface does not have write permission in that directory. Contact your site administrator if you get either of these error messages.

LISTSERV® is L-Soft's email list management software, originally developed by Eric Thomas in 1986. Visit the LISTSERV® Resource Center for more complete documentation.

LISTSERV® is a registered trademark. The trademark identifies LISTSERV® as a brand of email list management software developed by L-Soft.