Deleting Existing Lists

The list deletion section allows you to completely delete a list, its archives and associated files from your LISTSERV instance. Use the pulldown menu to find the list that you want to delete.

You can shorten the number of lists in the pulldown menu by entering text that appears in the list name in the "Filter" text box. Any text entered here will automatically expand to using a wildcard at the beginning and at the end, so any list name containing the text will appear in the pulldown menu.

The list header for the list selected for deletion and a table containing a list of associated archive and log files will appear in the lower part of the screen. Check the files, if any, that you want LISTSERV to delete and click on the "Delete List" button to delete the list. Confirm the list deletion by clicking the "Confirm" button. A report will appear on your screen indicating which directory and files were deleted from the server.

Once deleted, a list and its archives are not recoverable.

LISTSERV® is L-Soft's email list management software, originally developed by Eric Thomas in 1986. Visit the LISTSERV® Resource Center for more complete documentation.

LISTSERV® is a registered trademark. The trademark identifies LISTSERV® as a brand of email list management software developed by L-Soft.