Creating List Reports

This interface provides a method for the server administrator or an owner to obtain reports on multiple lists or search for lists with certain characteristics. There are two main steps to creating a report:

  • Select the columns of information about the lists to appear in the report.
  • Click "Update" to run and display the report.

The server administrator may generate reports for all lists on the server, for lists managed by a particular owner, or for lists that match user-defined selection criteria. The reports are flexible, providing only the specific information requested for each list selected. For example, if the site administrator is interested only in the list of editors and moderators for each list on the server, simply selecting "Editor" and "Moderator" and clicking "Update" will return the information.

Report Column Selection

To add, remove or re-arrange columns in the table, click on "Customize Report". On the following screen, you can simply drag and drop new columns or re-arrange existing ones.

Each column heading in the report is clickable and will sort the column in ascending or descending order. A small arrow pointing up or down will appear indicating the order.

The filter row allows you to narrow the data that is displayed in the table. Operators such as = < > are all supported. For example, if you only want to see lists with more than 100 subscribers, type >100 in the appropriate filter box.

Show Lists

This case-insensitive parameter controls which lists are displayed. The default is to display all lists. For example, if you have a particular group of lists that you want to query that all contain SALES in the list name, type SALES in the box and click "Update". This will narrow the lists displayed to lists such as SALES, US-SALES, SALES2023 and so forth. Note that the filter automatically expands SALES to *SALES*. Wildcards are not otherwise supported.

Show Lists Owned By

This parameter allows the site administrator to narrow the selection of lists to those owned by a particular owner. Type an email address in the box and click "Update". Wildcards are allowed, so joe*@* will return lists owned by,, and so forth. Addresses are not case sensitive.

Report Format

This pulldown menu controls how to display the list report. You can choose to view the data in a table or as a variety of charts, including bar charts, line charts and a radar chart. You can also download the data as a CSV file. To change the report format, simply select one of the options in the menu and click "Update". Note that the same sort order and any filters also apply to the graphical charts and the CSV file.

Lines per Page

This parameter controls how many lists will be displayed on a single page. If you want to break the results into pages of 10 lists, for example, type 10 in the box and click "Update". The default is 50.

LISTSERV® is L-Soft's email list management software, originally developed by Eric Thomas in 1986. Visit the LISTSERV® Resource Center for more complete documentation.

LISTSERV® is a registered trademark. The trademark identifies LISTSERV® as a brand of email list management software developed by L-Soft.